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NFT Marketing Guide for 2023

10 min read
Feb 21, 2023

By 2025, the NFT landscape is speculated to surpass $80B.

the nft landscape will be worth $80bn by 2023

Many brands, celebrities, and artists are jumping on the train as this evolved mode of ownership has become a household topic due to the utility, benefits, and sheer wonder they hold.

From digital real estate to virtual collectibles and crypto art - the lifespan and success rate of an NFT project is directly dependent on the marketing efforts to generate the interest and the conversions NFT artists are after.

Are you looking for the ultimate NFT marketing guide to moonshot your digital collectibles, build your ideal community, and establish authority in your niche?

Lucky you! Our team of marketing experts and NFT enthusiasts have compiled this guide to help you market your NFTs in 2023.

What Is NFT Marketing?

NFT marketing is a targeted form of digital marketing with the goal of promoting non-fungible tokens and selling related products and/or services. NFTs are digital assets stored on a blockchain and represent anything from artwork to gaming items.

nfts can create unique and scarce digital assets

NFTs can create unique and scarce digital assets that can be bought, sold, or traded like any other asset. NFT marketing has the potential to reach a global audience, and artists can create new revenue streams and tap into the growing market for digital collectibles.

As the NFT space continues to expand, we can expect to see more artists and businesses adopting innovative marketing strategies to stand out from the crowds.

Laying The Foundation For A Solid Marketing Strategy

Before you kick off your marketing efforts, it is imperative to do enough marketing research and create an airtight strategy to advertise your NFTs. You need to have a strong foundation comprised of fundamental marketing techniques and contemporary Web3 techniques.

Consider the following steps for laying a solid foundation for your NFT marketing strategy:

strategies that work

Find your Niche

What is a unique feature of your NFT project? By determining your USP, you can find your positioning in the market and target the appropriate audience. An NFT niche is a specific category in the market impacting how an NFT artist can tailor their efforts to and reach their desired audience. By identifying and focusing on a particular niche, artists can better understand their target market and create marketing strategies that resonate with their audience.

Some popular niches in the NFT space include gaming items, digital art, and real estate.


What is your favorite part about your project? If you were not an internal part of the team, which features would win you over and inspire you to join the community?

Your Unique Selling Point (USP) is how you appeal to what your target audience really loves. Formulating an authentic and attractive message sets you apart during the first impression, and a strong USP will be where your AIDA model begins.

NFT marketing is more than just the NFT or its utility, your community members want a transparent statement about what inspired you to start the project, and how it will benefit them.

Your Ideal Target Audience

Think about it like this, if you are unsure which groups have the most potential of converting into sales and community members, how can you tailor your marketing strategy to appeal to them? For example, if you sell 1 of 1 NFT art, your target market could be people who purchase exclusive artwork to showcase as their Twitter PFPS or investment portfolios.

It is right there in the name - the audience you target. Ensure you do enough market research and utilize the correct tools to narrow down your audience and consequently ramp up the volume of potential for your efforts and resources.

Social media

Optimizing your marketing material according to the social media platforms where your target audience is the most active is a practical approach to maximizing your reach.

Platforms such as Twitter, Telegram, Instagram, and Reddit are popular for NFT projects and provide a great forum to communicate with your key audiences and spread awareness about your project. For example, if you have an NFT project in the gaming space, then promoting on a social media platform like Twitter would be more beneficial than posting on Instagram or Facebook. Again, research is key.

*More on social media sites below.

Proven NFT Marketing Strategies

Now that you clearly understand what NFT marketing is and the importance of researching your niche and target audience, let's dive into some innovative NFT marketing strategies.

What do successful NFT projects all have in common? How do they bring their NFTs to light and inspire their communities to drive the project forward?

  • Highlighting legitimacy by doxxing project members and sharing a transparent and relevant back story and roadmap for the future,
  • Unique utilities associated with NFTs that surpass only art but serve a real-world purpose as well,
  • High-quality and consistent sharing of scroll-stopping content on optimized social media accounts,
  • Inherent community-centrism to build an authentic and engaged community that derives value from the NFT project.

Watch this episode to delve deep into the ins and outs of a successful NFT project.

Which strategies can you employ to create an NFT marketing strategy that will set you apart from the crowd? Start by fleshing out your marketing budget and dividing your resources for optimal reach and potential conversion.

Let's outline some of the NFT marketing strategies you can employ with a designated marketing budget.

Paid NFT Marketing Strategies

While organic marketing techniques are also effective if done to a high standard, supporting your marketing strategy with a budget is a way to press fast forward and extend your reach and, consequently, your likelihood of making a sale.

support your organic marketing efforts with paid campaigns

Although it can be done without using paid marketing, it has been proven that investing financial resources into your NFT marketing campaigns will attract more eyes, more interest, and more sales.

Consider these paid marketing techniques for NFT promotion.

Influencer Marketing

An affiliate marketing program can cause a surge in interest for your NFTs and is an effective strategy for extending your community and boosting the credibility of your project within the right communities.

partner with influencers for promotions

Influencer marketing is a form of marketing where NFT projects partner with influential individuals to reach their wider audience by association. These individuals, known as influencers, have a large and/or relevant following on social media and are often respected by their followers.

NFT projects can partner with influencers to promote their products or services. This can be done in several ways, such as having the influencer post about the project on their social media page or by having them create a video about it.

Sign With An NFT Marketing Agency For An Expert Approach

It pays off to employ the service of bespoke NFT marketing agencies to propel your project, build your community, and ace your marketing campaigns.

marketing agencies deliver value in many areas

It is advised to employ the expertise of connoisseurs in the field to drive your NFT success forward and consult with you about strategies with the highest potential of converting.

Lunar Strategy

Lunar Strategy is your experienced NFT marketing agency with a track record of bespoke NFT marketing services, as featured in some of the most esteemed publications in the space. With our team of experts in the NFT, Web3, and crypto space, we can compile a tailored marketing strategy to get your project the reach, engagement, and conversions you deserve. Leave the marketing to us and focus on your favorite part - making your NFTs.

Lunar Strategy

Take a peek at our website and socials to see our case studies and some of the NFT projects we have guided to scale, build their communities, and establish their presence within the space.

Our Services Include

Influencer marketing, Paid ads, PR, Community management, and Social media management.

Use PR To Build Credibility For Your NFTs

Featuring your NFTs in some of the top NFT publications is valuable because it simultaneously builds credibility for your project and showcases it to a broader and relevant audience who intend to learn more about projects in the space.

public relations builds credibility when done right

You can use PR articles to get coverage of exciting updates and announcements about your project or to introduce yourself in the space. Always ensure that your writing is of a high standard to avoid being rejected by publications, and follow their PR submission guidelines to ensure your article will be approved.

Click the here to see which NFT publications are on fire at the moment, and who knows? Maybe you can get your project featured on one of them!

PPC Advertising & SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for Your NFTs

Creating a website to showcase your NFTs is encouraged because it enables you to optimize your landing page and run Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising campaigns.

ppc and search advertising is a great way to get exposure

These campaigns increase your visibility on Google search and, therefore, your chances of reaching a larger audience. Make sure that you have done your keyword research, created a scroll-stopping ad for your digital assets, and set apart a budget for the duration of your NFT ad campaign.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is also a technique that can result in higher ranks on Google and other search engines. Partnering with an agency with expert NFT marketing services is beneficial as they can curate a set of keywords and tools to get your NFT website ranked on search engines and social media platforms. PPC ads and SEO are some of the most effective NFT ad networks to get more eyes on your digital art.

Free Marketing Tactics For Your NFT Art

Now that we have discussed the strategies that might reach into your pocket, let's outline some of the organic techniques that you can ace on your own if you choose to take matters into your own hands and test the waters before employing the services of an agency.

Social Media & Community Platforms

Social media and community platforms are perhaps the most used techniques to stimulate organic growth for NFT creators. By sharing consistent and quality content centered around the creation, sale, and background of your NFT collection, social media users will start to feel involved in your creative process and therefore invested in what your next steps will be. Ergo, your NFT community.


Twitter is part of the top converting NFT marketing strategies. NFT buyers, artists, and collectors use the platform to engage with one another, discover new projects, and be active within the digital community. Known in some circles as Crypto Twitter, the platform has almost become a prerequisite for artists trying to get their breakthroughs in the space.

Remember to optimize your profile, follow the leaders in the space, and engage authentically with other artists active in the NFT market to remain relevant and be a part of the conversation.


The number of NFT Discord servers has skyrocketed as artists find the most optimized platforms to build their NFT communities and sell NFT art. Some artists are perhaps a bit skeptical about the platform because of the high-profile scams and hacks that have happened on the platform, which resulted in the loss of sensitive data and the spread of malware.

free marketing can only take you so far

You have to make sure that your Discord server is a safe and open place where your community members feel comfortable hanging out and getting to know your project and each other. But how can you keep your Discord a thriving and positive hub for your valued members?

Read this guide on how to keep your Discord NFT community safe or join our Discord community for an example of the guide in practice.

TelegramClubhouseReddit, and Instagram are also prominent in the NFT art marketplace because of the large volumes of artists, collectors, and enthusiasts active on the platforms. Be sure to experiment with all the platforms and choose the ones where your specific community is the most active. Cross-marketing between your socials is also an effective NFT marketing strategy to funnel your community members to predetermined destinations from multiple platforms where you have active accounts with followers.

NFT Marketing Messages

Sliding into somebody's DMs is an easy way to ask people to look at your NFT art because you genuinely think they might find value in either your art itself, the associated utility, or your community.

Explore Crypto Spaces

Decentraland and Cryptovoxels are active crypto metaverse spaces where collectors and artists gather to showcase their digital art collections, socialize, and host virtual events. Users access the platforms via a desktop browser to start with their virtual exploration and hang out with other art lovers. The spaces are great examples of NFT communities in action and are definitely something to try when marketing your digital artwork.

List Your Digital Asset On Popular NFT Marketplaces

An effective way to present your art to prospective NFT buyers is via listing your NFT art on a minting platform like RaribleOpenSea, or SuperRare. Think of the NFT marketplace as a decentralized, virtual shopping mall where NFT collectors browse the available art - and how can they find and love your art if it is not for sale?

The majority of NFT marketplaces also allow artists to link prospective buyers to their external social media channels. This is why all your channels need to be optimized, your roadmap needs to be coherent and transparent, and you have to display good energy within the community by engaging with other artists in the space.

list your nft on popular marketplaces

For You: A Gem Of Extra Information

Because you have stayed with us until the end, we want to reward you with these pro tips for your NFT marketing tactics.

NFT Roadmap

Your community wants to know where you are going and how you will get there to decide whether they will accompany you on your journey. Make your roadmap a feature on your website or social media to illustrate your dedication to your NFT art career and community members. Be transparent and creative; you want to inspire and persuade people with your vision for the future of your NFTs- and their investment.

Utility To Your NFT

Experts predict that the time for NFTs without utility is ending, and investors are looking for projects that transcend digital art into real-life benefits. How can you create a unique and exciting utility for your NFT that will benefit both you and your community? Will you open a virtual art gallery once you've sold X amount of digital collectibles? Or will you send each collector a free print of the artwork signed by you? NFT utility can be simple or complex, depending on how you want to implement it. Perhaps your NFT can represent a token for governance authority within your digital community or double as an exclusive pass for selling exclusive NFT collections solely to previous investors.

NFT giveaways. Whitelisting. Virtual event passes. Your imagination is your only limit.

Sell Out Your NFT Collections

Whether you choose to work with an NFT marketing company or go at it alone, two things are imperative to remember and could be detrimental to your project if neglected:

Give Yourself Enough Time

Building an NFT community and significant credibility for your project rarely happens overnight. Marketing your NFTs well in advance allows you to get more organic and/or sponsored traction for your NFT drops, which is essential. Successful NFT projects start marketing well before their mint dates, and some already have established authority in the space. So, ensure you are calculating enough time for the hype train to pull into the station and onboard all the excited community members.

Community: The Essence Of The NFT Industry

Your community is a valuable asset to selling out your NFTs. It is much easier to sell to your fans and dedicated community members than to those who still need to learn about your project. As digital creators, we must find unique and inviting ways to make our community members feel valued and get them excited for the NFT launch.

The NFT market emphasizes the fact that your community can make or break your NFT drops due to the inherent community centrism of NFT and blockchain technology.

Give your people what they want while remaining authentic to yourself and your artistic voice.

Final Word

An NFT is a type of cryptographic token representing a unique asset on the blockchain, and there are virtual and tokenized versions of assets we are familiar with in the real world. Your NFT sales are almost directly connected to your marketing, and therefore any NFT artwork needs to be advertised to the right target audiences and on the right platforms to set yourself up for a successful launch.

The best NFT advertising techniques are the ones that are tailored to yourself and your community in an effective and creative combination to drive NFT sales to the moon. Immerse yourself in the world of NFT marketing. We hope this ultimate guide to marketing your NFTs in 2023 will help you through your efforts.

For an expert approach to selling out your NFTs, the best marketplace for your NFT, and sustainable community building and maintenance, reach out to our team of experts and leave the marketing to us!

Educate Yourself

Master NFT and Web3 marketing with these resources:

Free Marketing Guides

NFT Podcasts

NFT Blogs

NFT Publications

Lunar Academy

Added Key Takeaways:

  1. NFT marketplaces: Choose NFT marketplaces where you as an NFT artists have the most benefits, creative freedom, and potential to sell out your NFT collection or NFT project.
  2. NFT launchpads: Get the attention of investors in the early stages of your project to ensure there is ample demand on NFT marketing channels when you finally mint and list your art on an NFT platform.
  3. Influencer marketing: If you can get influencer marketing into your mix, you have one of the top NFT marketing strategies at your disposal - use it wisely.
  4. NFT Calendar: Getting your NFT drop featured in an NFT calendar is an effective way to let collectors know when they can purchase your art.
Tim Haldorsson
CEO of crypto and Web3 marketing agency Lunar Strategy, involved in the crypto scene since 2017. Provides forward-thinking Web3 marketing insight as a contributor to Cointelegraph, Rolling Stone, Daily Coin, NFT Plazas, and Finance Magnates.
Jack Haldorsson
CMO at Lunar Strategy. Been in the crypto space since 2017. Jack leverages his know-how of the blockchain ecosystems and strong KOL relationships to execute result-focused strategies that amplify brand storytelling, drive awareness and grow the project sustainably with the help of Influencer relations.
Adam Westerén
Head of Sales
Adam's passion is to create self-sustainable communities in the Web3 world. He enjoys when you create a Web3 community that can grow by itself. This is what he does in his current role as Head of sales.
William Rejström
As a Community Manager at Lunar Strategy, I'm passionate about finding new ways to connect people, add value and build strong community relationships.
Shann Holmberg
As head of growth at Lunar Strategy, I understand the significant shift away from traditional marketing strategies that Web3 projects require.
Nick Ballanutsa
Crypto Content Creator
Crypto Content Creator, Nick is creating engaging Twitter threads & posts for leading crypto & NFT companies.
Vide Haldorsson
Influencer Manager
Influencer Manager at Lunar Strategy.
Johnny Pedro
Head of Partnerships
Head of Partnerships at Lunar Strategy, creating win-win solutions for Web3 companies. You might have heard his music on Tomorrowland from his previous ventures in the music industry.
Jarrod Frankel
Head of Community
Jarrod is responsible for the teams that provide both engaging social media content and enticing and informative articles for our clients.
Tayler McCracken
Editor at Coin Bureau
Tayler McCracken is the Editor-in-Chief of the Coin Bureau, a leading publication that provides cryptocurrency education.
Vineet Nair
As a web3 storyteller, Vineet brings a wealth of experience in content, journalism, and management, with hands-on knowledge of metaverses, NFTs, AI, and finance.
Hassan Shafiq
Lunar Strategy
Lunar Strategy.
Mairead Finlay
British writer specialising in NFTs, luxury lifestyle & travel based in Portugal. Previous publications include Business Insider, LoveEXPLORING, The Guardian and My French Country Home Magazine. Previously the SEO Editor of tech & startup website TechRound.
Sandra Vukovic
Content & Marketing Specialist
Content & Marketing Specialist at Lunar Strategy.
David Kevin Jeppesen
Lunar Strategy
Raised in the spring of technology, solving problems and finding simple digital solutions is part of my nature. I’m a teachable individual who is always eager to learn and develop as a person.
Julieta Ose
Crypto Content Creator
Crypto Content Creator at Lunar Strategy.
Gino De Graaf
Google Ads Specialist
Google Ads Specialist at Lunar Strategy.
Sam Runge
Media Manager
Lunar Strategy.
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